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I transmute Heartbreak Into love. 


The bleeding-heart essence touches the very center of your soul. She teaches you how to release suppressed heartbreak and aids in transforming the pain into beauty. She heals the feelings and pains of separation and disconnection. She opens the heart and enables you to go beyond the bleeding. She brings into balance the gifts of giving and receiving. She is a balm for empaths and people who take on too much stress from the world or environment. She helps one to learn about energetic boundaries. She opens the heart and teaches you how to direct your love into the harmonies of life without attachment, but with grace.


The love I feel inside for all of life is flowing with grace and ease to and from my heart. I am being nourished through giving and receiving love in harmony. My love is received by the Universe and the Universe is receiving me. I am connected to the web of life though the heart, releasing the waters of love into all of life.

Bleeding Heart~ I transmute Heartbreak into Love.

SKU: 14654213
  • These Essences have been made in the Harmonic Garden, with love, prayer, song, chanting, mantra, sacred sound and plant songs! They were brought forth to Heal and Awaken the Holy Heart! 

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